NAAPIMHA is proud to unveil its 2024 Annual Report, highlighting the continued work we do with Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander-serving (AANHPI) organizations and individuals across the nation to support the mental health of AANHPIs nationwide. In this year alone, our team and valued partners:
Trained over 250 Mental Health First Aiders and Achieving Whole Health Wellness Coaches across our FREE mental health awareness trainings.
Launched our Vote for Wellness Initiative, a series of community spaces and resources supporting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities to get out the vote while centering their mental health and well-being during Election season.
Expanded National AAPI Empowerment Network (NAAPIEN), our national network for individuals with lived experience as we hosted monthly listening sessions, community building sessions, special interest groups and introduced new steering committee members to our dedicated NAAPIEN team.
Celebrated our 4th Annual National AANHPI Mental Health Day with over 120 community organizations, a national resolution, and 12 city and states proclaiming May 10 as AANHPI Mental Health Day.
Presented at over 30 regional and national conferences, meetings, and events reaching over 2000 people to hold dialogue around topics related to AANHPI mental health, suicide prevention, anti-AANHPI hate, crisis response, work-life harmony, and advocate for the mental health needs of AANHPI communities.
We invite those who may be interested in AANHPI mental health to join us
– by taking a training, by participating in online event, by sharing our Instagram posts,
by joining the National Asian American Pacific Islander Empowerment Network
(NAAPIEN), by visiting our website (www.naapimha.org), by donating to NAAPIMHA, by
inviting us to speak at your organization or by collaborating with us on a mutual project.
We hope to expand our reach through expanding our partnerships.
We hope that 2025 can be a year of growth, collaboration, determination, and progress
all while caring for ourselves, our families, and our communities.