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Shining a Light on API Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19


NAAPIMHA has updated its resource list to include behavioral health information for all 50 states.  Whenever possible, agencies providing behavioral health services to AANHPIs were included.  For states that do not have any, the State Department responsible for mental health services is listed.  This information can be accessed by going to, clicking on the resource list, and opening AANHPI Service Providers.  NAAPIMHA also identified resources specifically addressing COVID-19 including those collecting data on hate crimes and mental health advocacy groups that include national hotline numbers.  There is also information on the Friends DO Make A Difference campaign to raise awareness of mental health.

Covid-19 has had a profound impact on the mental health of countless individuals, including Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.  For some it may trigger an old trauma and PTSD associated with being a refugee or immigrant.  Some may experience severe depression due to the loss of a  job or isolation from one’s support system because of social distancing.  Sadly, there also continues to be the emotional trauma brought on by racist attacks on AANHPIs.   Mental health has always been a part of our lives but has often been ignored or brushed aside and not talked about.  Hopefully there is a growing acceptance that seeking mental health help is not only ok, it is often the wisest decision a person can make.

Since May is both API Heritage Month as well as Mental Health Awareness Month, NAAPIMHA and its partners will host a national round table to discuss the mental health impact of COVID-19 on AANHPI communities.  Please see the attached flyer and register for this important and timely round table.  While we must address the serious problems our communities are facing, it is also important to celebrate who we are as Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders…..this too is mental HEALTH.

©2020 by National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association.

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